What it do

This manual is one for keeping even keeled and focused. Everyone who values those qualities should tune in to learn a few things about growth and sacrifice.

It would be easy enough to explain the concept of Kombucha to some. Typically a fitness friendly crowd with endless options when it comes to food and drink, but to groups of people who can't even find fresh produce at their nearest store, let alone Kombucha, it can be a bit of a stretch. Meanwhile, this beverage is packed with Probiotics (good bacteria that are helpful in maintaining gut health), Polyphenols (full of antioxidants), B Vitamins (promotes nutrient absorption), Vitamin C (prevents heart disease), organic enzymes and amino acids which are tissue forming energy sources which improve muscles and strength capacity.

Now that's hardly a stretch, in fact, it's easier to digest than your daily multivitamin. At an average price of $4 per bottle, however, Kombucha is hardly accessible. Without the education, people cannot make their own choices towards a healthful and sustainable life. 
