What Raw Means...


A consistent fare of raw foods can enjoy the full progression of digestive enzymes your body needs to engage nutrients properly.

Yogurt, for example, will build up your gut’s supply of probiotics to fight inflammation. By reducing inflammation-related issues; gas and bloating. Food and drink containing probiotics will cheer up the intestine more quickly.

Aging bodies don’t tend to treat our gut health kindly. As we age, the gut becomes less efficient and the digestive tract becomes more alkaline, making it more difficult for our bodies to break down the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates we all possess.

We'd like to make it known that oftentimes when food manufacturers reduce fat, they supersede it with carbohydrates from sugar, refined grains which result in other problems.

The recycling of toxins from the colon will create buildup if you are ardent with foods that make it more difficult for waste matter to move through your digestive tract.

Alex Dodson